Sunday, March 6, 2016

Addictions From Teens to Adults

Is it Peer Pressure, Self-Pressure or Curiosity?

From Middle School to High School, starting at ages 12 to 19, teenagers begin to have curiosity from the views of society, family/friends, TV shows/movies/music videos/video games and sudden peer pressure. Some teenagers begin doing drugs to relieve themselves of stress, school project/homework, family seperation or curiosity.

After the law was passed that Marijuana is now legal for all, in the highest rank, teenager uses the substance more than adult do for either medical purposes, to get high/stoned or "just because". Marijuana is sold not only by just adults or at a smoke shop, but also in the schools in secret.

Many teenagers from the end of their 8th grade year to a freshmen in high school, drugs have entered into the next generation. Some teens are either pressures by their peers to use the drug to be popular/cool or pressure themselves to try it.

The world is filled with many drugs and substances but the main problem is who is using them? In this diagram, the age limits from 12 to 26 and above shows who use the substance more than the other. It would be assumed that adults would use the substance and drug more than teenagers but look again. Adults have a high rank in drinking alcohol than teenagers, but compare to Marijuana, teenagers are the highest user than adults.

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