Sunday, March 6, 2016

The Abuse Of Drugs...All Over The World

It's Not Just Here in America...

The United States has been the highest drug distribution and the rest of the countries that aren't listed below have the 2nd highest distribution system.

Through society, drugs can be sold in stores even by people on the streets. But we know that only in America, but what about sold on the Internet? In this diagram above its show the ranking of drugs sold on the Internet. America is fourth from being the highest of drugs sold online, but in the lead is the UK who apparently think it is easier to sell drugs online then in person.

Back to being sold in person, it's not only drugs but also alcohol. The numbers may seem similar but the US is behind a few point from Columbia, Germany, Netherlans, Ukraine and New Zealand in alcohol. Just to image the number of drinks a human being can have then coming home to a family acting like someone they're not.


There are many illegal drugs all over the world. This diagram show how the drugs and other substances have either increased or decrease over the years past and present. In the US, the diagram shows a stable rate of the usage but anywhere else like Africa there is a large increase, some increase and some data not provided. 

The Rates continue to increase and decrease every time, but what about the a effects after the drug is used. Most users use the product around their family and friends then soon turn into someone was waiting to be freed from the darkness inside them. In other countries, some use these drugs to drug young girls to go into prostitution, to relive themselves to do more damage and much worse.

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